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Woman facing substance use disorder.
Substance Abuse

What is substance use disorder?

Substance use disorder is a chronic condition characterized by the compulsive usage of an addictive substance, the use of which disrupts one’s life.

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Treatment to overcome AUD-What is alcohol use disorder
Alcohol Addiction

What is alcohol use disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is more than just drinking too much. If you’re struggling with alcohol, learn the facts, signs, and treatment options to reclaim your life.

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Can alcohol cause mouth cancer?
Alcohol Addiction

Can alcohol cause mouth cancer?

It’s time to put down the booze because alcohol has been conclusively classified as a group 1 carcinogen for mouth cancer, among other types of cancer.

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Is alcohol bad for teeth?
Alcohol Addiction

Is alcohol bad for teeth?

Did you know heavy drinking triples your risk of losing teeth? Keep reading to learn about enamel erosion, gum disease, and tooth decay caused by alcohol.

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How to conduct an intervention
Alcohol Addiction

How to conduct an intervention

Are you worried about the addiction of a loved one? Our intervention overview discusses how to plan, organize, and execute potentially lifesaving interventions.

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