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Kael Pope


Clinical Director

Alema Harrington


Substance Use Disorder Counselor

Alicia Hills


Outpatient Therapist

Toni Sorenson CMHC-i Residential Therapist

Toni Sorenson


Residential Therapist

Hadyn Stimpson


Outpatient Clinician

Jessica Cox


Residential Clinician

Mckay Horsley


Ardu Recovery Center, Provo, UT

Bill Egbert

Residential Clinician

Alema Harrington

Alema Harrington

Substance Use Disorder Counselor

Personable, conversant, well-groomed and handsome, Alema has created a lasting presence in Salt Lake City’s sports media for years. But behind the smiling face, behind the onscreen persona, there has been a constant internal struggle. It started a long time ago with painkillers, which enabled him to endure back pain and play football at Brigham Young University. Eventually, he turned to heroin and the life that came with it. For nearly two decades he was in and out of rehab programs — eight in all…

But today he is sitting in the offices of Ardu Recovery Center in Provo, Utah helping offer healing for the addicted. He is not a patient but a licensed substance use disorder counselor who finds solutions to help others overcome their struggles. His night job is on TV as a host of the Utah Jazz pre- and post-game shows on the AT&T SportsNet, but his day job is with Ardu Recovery Center. Alema Harrington is passionate about addiction recovery and loves to help others take the necessary steps to recovery and heal.

Hadyn Stimpson CASUDC-i Outpatient Therapist

Hadyn Stimpson



Hayden started as an in intern at Ardu, because of his intense patience with clients and his passion for the work, he was hired as a permanent employee without question. Hayden feels a profound sense of purpose when he witnesses hope in the eyes of someone who once felt all was lost. He empathizes with these individuals on multiple levels as he has experienced trauma as well as a brief phase with substances himself. Hayden feels strongly that “there is much to be learned from those that overcome adversity and choose–even in their darkest times–to push forward.

"The one thing that cannot be taken from man is his ability to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances."
-Viktor Frankl (Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist).

Dr. Stuart Porter D.O. Medical Director

Dr. Stuart Porter

Medical Director

Dr. Stuart B. Porter, D.O., is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Practice.  He Graduated first in his class from the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1988, completed his internship at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas and his residency at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington. In Dr. Porter’s spare time, he leads an active outdoor lifestyle. Between training for his next Triathlon or Iron Man competition, he can be found back-country skiing, bicycling, and spending time with his wife and 5 children.

"The Ocean does not apologize for its depth and the mountains do not seek forgiveness for the space they take and so, neither shall I."
-Becca Lee

Lisa Storz Registered Nurse Nursing Manager

Lisa Storz

Registered Nurse

Nurse Manager

Upon completion of nursing school, Lisa wanted to implement her personal experience with addiction into her profession. Her passion for helping others made it an easy decision to pursue nursing in a treatment facility. She feels it is second nature to provide unparalleled care to clients because: “we are a family here and we all work together to make a difference.”

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending"
-C.S. Lewis

Todd Lysle

Admissions Coordinator

Todd started at Ardu as support staff in 2020. Todd displays a strong attitude of empathy with clients that is drawn from personal experience. Because of this and his  “get-it-done” attitude, Todd moved to case management, and then admissions.

"Those times when you get up early and you work hard; those times when you stay up late and you work hard; those times when you don't feel like working, you're too tired, you don't want to push yourself, but you do it anyway; that is actually the dream. That's the dream. It's not the destination, it's the journey"
-Kobe Bryant

Marissa Ramos Admissions Supervisor

Marissa Janae Ramos

Admissions Coordinator

Marissa feels that watching a person work hard, and create a life they feel is worth living free of substances, “is the absolute most beautiful thing.” The consensus among all who know her is that she has unmatched empathy and compassion for individuals who struggle with addiction–Marissa, being in recovery herself, attributes her sustained sobriety to the people who willingly helped her through early recovery–wholeheartedly, she will “never, ever, ever give up on somebody”

"I would rather aim for the stars and not hit them than not aim at all."
- T.D. Jakes

Drew Redd Executive Director

Drew Redd

Executive Director

Drew has 12 years experience working in the social work field.  Drew started working with at-risk youth in Utah and California.  After experiencing treatment and the gift of recovery in 2013 he was given the opportunity to work in adult treatment as a Case Manager. Drew has previous experience working as a Clinician and Executive Director in Residential and Outpatient Treatment.  Drew is grateful to be a part of the amazing ARDU family.

"If you pursue good with labor, the labor passes away but the good remains; if you pursue evil with pleasure, the pleasure passes away and the evil remains."

Jennifer Gregson Residential Director

Jennifer Gregson

Residential Director

Through her own experience with addiction, Jen attributes her recovery to the selfless acts of others. This has motivated her to become that source of strength, compassion, and understanding to those who are currently struggling with addiction. The most rewarding aspect of her job is watching the change occur in clients as they start on a path of healing. Jen has worked in the industry for three years, her dilligence in meeting clients individual needs and regarding them as family has made her an invaluable asset to Ardu as our Residential Program Director.

"What if I fall?" "Oh but my darling, what if you fly?"
-Peter Pan