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How Meditation Can Help Your Mental Health

Written by Brandon Okey. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

What is Meditation?

Meditation can significantly impact your life in many ways—starting with your mental health. It is a mindful practice that focuses on awareness and perspective. There are many different methods and forms of meditation—all of which can be effective. Practicing meditation can make a significant impact on your mental health. Meditation incorporates the practice of mindfulness—the ability to be present and engaged at the moment. Engaging in mindfulness and meditation can help you to manage through difficult things in life, including negative emotions, mental health issues, and everyday stresses. Practicing meditation is a learned skill. Different meditation practice will provide various experiences and benefits. The basics of meditation include sitting quietly, breathing, closing your eyes, and cultivating awareness. For more tips on starting a meditation practice, click here.  

Regulating Negative Emotions

One of the many benefits of meditation is the ability to regulate emotions. You can better cope with feelings of anger, fear, or sadness when you can turn to meditation. Many studies suggest that meditation and mindfulness allow you to manage negative emotions better. A study done in Consciousness and Cognition in February of 2016 found that even one session of meditation could help people better manage their anger. Through addiction and rehabilitation, negative emotions are prevalent. Mental illness and addiction often go hand in hand. Those who are dealing with mental illness are much more likely to also deal with drug addiction and vice versa.  

Manage Stress

Stress is a common part of everyday life—especially in a life that is dealing with substance abuse. Stress can impact your emotional and physical health in negative ways. An excess of stress can lead to headaches, anxiety, trouble sleeping, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, gastrointestinal symptoms, a change in sex drive, and muscle tension. Practicing meditation allows you to manage stress through breathing techniques and mindfulness exercises. Meditation creates awareness and perspective that helps you to manage and refuse stress in your life. Those who practice medication tend to experience more emotions like calmness, compassion and focus throughout their day. A study done by Psychoneuroendocrinology in June 2014 found that a group of people who participated in a 25-minute meditation daily were less stressed than a group who did not. A similar study done in April of 108 by the journal Psychiatry Research found that those who deal with an anxiety disorder who took a course in mindfulness were better able to manage stress and had lower inflammatory levels than those who did not practice mindfulness.   At Ardu Recovery Center, we work to heal the body and the mind of addiction. To fully achieve this objective, we practice alternative therapies such as meditation. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction—find hope and healing at Ardu. We work with professional therapists to help you take control of your life again and set you up for long term success.
Brandon Okey

Brandon Okey is the co-founder of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.