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Tag: Addiction Recovery

7 Tips to Stay Sober After Addiction Recovery
Addiction Recovery

7 Tips to Stay Sober After Addiction Recovery

Staying sober after addiction recovery can be challenging, but there are several tips that a person can follow to help them on their journey. In this article, we’ll look at these tips and more so you can stay on track with your recovery.

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What Qualifies as an Addiction?

What Qualifies as an Addiction?

Sometimes addiction is a slow process that develops over time, or it can happen quickly, depending on genetics or other factors. Because it’s a complex

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Addiction and Chronic Pain
Drug Addiction

Addiction and Chronic Pain

Addiction and chronic pain disorders can be an egg or chicken issue. If one has a chronic pain disorder, they may turn to addictive drugs

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Dating While In Recovery

Dating While In Recovery

Recovery from anything takes time and patience, but more so for someone in addiction recovery. This is the time for self-care and reflection and for

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The Importance of a Support System
Addiction Treatment

The Importance of a Support System

Going through addiction recovery is a difficult process—having a support system to guide you through is essential. Rely on others and connect with those your

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