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Schizophrenia dual diagnosis treatment center

Written by Drew Redd. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

Substance addiction wrecks your life. Schizophrenia destabilizes your ability to function normally. Together, schizophrenia and addiction can seem insurmountable. There is hope. Our integrated dual diagnosis program empowers you to regain your center, overcome addiction, and minimize the effects of schizophrenia.  

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You don’t have to tackle your dual diagnosis alone when there’s a team fully dedicated to your recovery and well-being. Our drug and alcohol rehab center can help you build resilience, self-care strategies, and a support network you need to overcome your co-occurring disorders.

Integrated treatment for co-occurring schizophrenia and addiction

When schizophrenia and addiction collide, it can feel like you’re climbing Mount Everest without an oxygen tank, but there is hope. The key to recovery lies in our integrated approach. We don’t isolate these conditions but instead address schizophrenia and addiction together. Ardu specializes in treating co-occurring schizophrenia or other mental health disorders and substance use with compassion.

To fight schizophrenia and co-occurring addiction, we use:

  1. Comprehensive assessments to analyze how symptoms of each condition interact and impact one another.
  2. Customized treatment plans to tackle both illnesses at the same time.
  3. A wide range of psychotherapies is created by our cross-trained psychiatrists and therapists to meet your individual needs.
  4. Medications to stabilize both psychiatric symptoms of schizophrenia and addiction symptoms.
  5. Ongoing support to provide resources for maintaining recovery long-term.

With coordinated care for schizophrenia and addiction issues, you have a stronger foundation for managing symptoms over the long run. Our dual diagnosis programs incorporate both inpatient and outpatient options to provide the appropriate level of support on your recovery journey.

Our residential treatment center provides intensive inpatient care in a structured setting to help you regain stability. By participating in this immersive program, you can:

  • Develop healthy coping strategies for managing symptoms.
  • Follow a customized routine focused on recovery.
  • Access medical supervision and therapy in a secure environment.
  • Join a supportive community working towards wellness together.

If commitments make residential treatment difficult, our outpatient treatment options allow flexibility. Outpatient treatment means you can still maintain work and family obligations as you apply new skills in real-world settings. 

No matter where you are on your journey, we meet you there with compassionate, personalized care.

Why does Ardu personalize dual diagnosis treatment plans?

No two people’s journey with schizophrenia and addiction looks the same. That’s why we get to know you as an individual first and build customized treatment strategies centered around your goals. This means that we:

  • Assess your unique psychiatric, addiction, and medical history.
  • Craft therapies that play to your strengths while addressing problem areas.
  • Teach healthy coping strategies aligned with your needs.
  • Create relapse prevention plans tailored to your symptoms.
  • Draw on different treatment modalities to help you develop a recovery toolkit.

Here’s what forms of therapy we offer:

  1. Behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBD) and dialectical behavior therapies (DBT) retrain disordered thinking patterns common in schizophrenia. They also build healthy coping mechanisms to replace substance use. 
  2. Family counseling. Addiction and psychiatric issues deeply impact loved ones too. Family sessions rebuild trust, enhance communication skills, and educate relatives about schizophrenia. This vital support system aids the recovery process.
  3. Motivational interviewing. Individual motivational therapy inspires readiness for change. Open-ended questions invite self-reflection on how symptoms limit life pursuits. By exploring inner motivations, you feel equipped to make positive changes.
  4. Nutrition counseling. People addicted to drugs or alcohol are often malnourished and unhealthy. Balanced nutrition stabilizes physical and mental health. Education teaches healthy eating’s mood and energy benefits. A proper diet provides the stability needed for recovery.
  5. Alternative therapies. Holistic treatment practices like yoga, art, or music therapy engage the mind-body connectedness. They build self-awareness, relax the nervous system, and boost emotional wellness. We also offer holistic detox options to provide comfort, balance, and inner strength as the body adjusts to sobriety.

With individualized care guided by compassion, we empower those with dual diagnoses to achieve lasting wellness. With patience and support, a rewarding life in recovery is possible. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

The importance of aftercare

Sustaining recovery from co-occurring schizophrenia and addiction requires ongoing support even after initial treatment. The risk of relapse remains high due to the chronic nature of these intertwined illnesses. An aftercare plan provides continued resources to reinforce progress made in rehab. We help you bridge the transition back to everyday life and achieve long-term stability. 

Our aftercare program includes relapse prevention services, sober housing, outpatient therapy, peer communities, and recovery coaching. We believe in surrounding our clients with understanding systems focused on relapse prevention and symptom management, so people feel supported in their dual diagnosis recovery journey rather than alone. 

With ongoing, compassionate support, you can sustain the progress made in treatment and maintain lifelong wellness. If you’re struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), our OCD dual diagnosis treatment service can guide you through recovery with understanding and non-judgment.

I never went through ARDU myself but I have Witnessed the “aftermath” with some of their clients. What I have seen is the connection their clients have in long term recovery, They get involved in community and are involved in service all over the place. I know several of them personally and am amazed by how they show up in the recovery community. Most treatment places just get them through treatment while ARDU gets their clients set up for successful recovery and connection long after they are clients…

Jayson Sykes


Get the help you need with Ardu

The professionals at Ardu Recovery Center have experience dealing with even the most extreme cases of drug addiction. Our drug addiction program offers a full suite of inpatient and outpatient services to our residents. We understand the immense difficulties residents face in overcoming addiction, and we provide comprehensive support to make the recovery process as comfortable as possible.

In addition to drug addiction treatment, we also offer treatment for alcohol use disorders, as well as an alcohol detox program. 

To enroll in an Ardu program, contact us online or via phone (801-872-8480). We will work with you to find a recovery path that works for you during the detox process and beyond. 

If you want to verify your insurance coverage and gather more payment information, see our insurance verification page.

Drew Redd

Drew Redd is the executive director of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.

Schizophrenia FAQ

What percentage of schizophrenics are drug addicts?

According to studies, around 50% of people with schizophrenia also struggle with substance abuse disorders. This high rate of dual diagnosis makes treatment more challenging. Integrated treatment that addresses both mental health issues and addictive behaviors concurrently has shown the most success.

Why is it so hard to treat schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia involves the complex interplay of genetics, brain abnormalities, and psychosocial factors. This complex storm of factors is difficult to understand and to treat. Antipsychotic medications can help manage certain symptoms but do not cure it. Providing comprehensive psychiatric care, individual and family therapy, social skills training and support improves the quality of life for schizophrenia patients. But it remains a lifelong condition requiring a personalized, multi-modal approach.

What happens after a schizophrenia diagnosis?

After a schizophrenia diagnosis, the dual diagnosis treatment program typically begins with an assessment by a compassionate medical team to understand symptoms and history. This guides personalized medication and evidence-based therapy recommendations. Coordinated case management helps access services and resources. With proper treatment adherence, supportive family involvement, and healthy coping strategies, patients can manage acute psychotic episodes and improve stability.

Do schizophrenics have higher rates of substance abuse?

Many studies confirm that individuals with schizophrenia have significantly higher rates of substance abuse issues ranging from alcohol addiction to drug disorders. Contributing factors include:

  • Self-medication attempts to relieve symptoms
  • Overlapping brain chemistry
  • Developmental factors

Integrated treatment for this complex dual diagnosis is essential to address both the mental illness and addictive behaviors simultaneously.

Is schizophrenia the most severe mental illness?

While not the most common psychiatric disorder, schizophrenia is considered one of the most functionally debilitating. Its constellation of positive and negative symptoms profoundly disrupts perception, emotions, decision-making, and quality of life. Severity varies between subtypes and individuals, but uncontrolled schizophrenia impedes social, occupational, and self-care functioning. Access to compassionate, personalized treatment can help people with schizophrenia improve their outlook.

What are 2 other disorders commonly associated with schizophrenia?

Two other psychiatric disorders often co-occurring with schizophrenia in a dual diagnosis are major depressive disorder and substance abuse disorders. The common symptoms and shared risk factors can complicate diagnosis and treatment approaches. However, evidence-based therapies and compassionate medical professionals can effectively manage both schizophrenia and associated illnesses.

Can you be wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia?

Sometimes schizophrenia is wrongly diagnosed due to overlapping symptoms with related psychotic disorders like schizoaffective disorder or even bipolar disorder early on. Similar facial expressions, delusions, and disorganized speech make accurate diagnosis tricky. A thorough assessment of symptoms over time guides proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.

Can a schizophrenic be a narcissist?

It is possible but uncommon for an individual with schizophrenia to also have narcissistic personality disorder. These are two severe mental illnesses that require customized psychotherapy and medication-assisted treatment. While some shared genetic and social factors may predispose a person to dual-diagnosis disorders, the distinct symptoms typically emerge separately.


Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders. (n.d.). National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/substance-use-and-mental-health

Substance Use Disorder and Mental Illness Often Go Hand in Hand. Both. (2023, September 29). Columbia University Department of Psychiatry. https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/mental-health-and-substance-use-disorders-often-go-hand-hand-both-must-be-addressed

Khokhar, J. Y., Dwiel, L., Henricks, A., Doucette, W. T., & Green, A. I. (2018). The Link Between Schizophrenia and Substance Use Disorder: A Unifying Hypothesis. Schizophrenia Research, 194, 78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2017.04.016

Winklbaur, B., Ebner, N., Sachs, G., Thau, K., & Fischer, G. (2006). Substance abuse in patients with schizophrenia. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 8(1), 37-43. https://doi.org/10.31887/DCNS.2006.8.1/bwinklbaur

Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ, Swain-Campbell NR. Cannabis dependence and psychotic symptoms in young people. Psychol Med. 2003 Jan;33(1):15-21. doi: 10.1017/s0033291702006402. PMID: 12537032.

Salom CL, Betts KS, Williams GM, Najman JM, Alati R. Predictors of comorbid polysubstance use and mental health disorders in young adults-a latent class analysis. Addiction. 2016 Jan;111(1):156-64. doi: 10.1111/add.13058. Epub 2015 Aug 26. PMID: 26190689.

Further reading

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